Sunday, March 7, 2010

Nothing Special about Lily~

It is always embarrassing for me to do the self-introduction each time because I am actually a boring person with nothing special to share with others. However, this might be the last time for me to do the self-introduction in school; I will try my best to do it in an interesting way.

        There are five people in my family – father, mother, older sister, little brother, and me. I am very close to my sister and brother, whom I think are the best gifts that my parents give to me in life. I do not want my parents to be worried about me, so I usually share happy things with them. In contrast, I can share any sad, depressing things and secrets with my siblings. They are always being supportive and giving me good suggestion when I am lost. I love them so much!

               In addition, I am pretty lucky to have good friends and teachers in each phase of my life. They give me the strength when I am weak. I hope one day I can become more mature and give my love to these nice people in return.

        Life is always difficult and I always think too much. If I can choose, I want to be the cactus— which can be protected by the thorns, survive anywhere, and have a really simple and easy life!! 


  1. yes, being a catus was once my dream, but do u realize that people may be hurt by the throns?
    i've been there,either i or others was injured.

  2. it's so good that u have siblings who u can share secrets and sad things...
    btw, are those polaroids made by computer software?

  3. wooooo cactus, that's what i draw while my junior-high teacher asked us to draw a plant that represent yourself XD
    and i drew it's easier to draw than any other plants haaaa

  4. Was the picture taken in NTNU? seems very familar to me. But why cactus? These sharp spines probably will keep all your friends aways.
